DMC RAC Announces Official Email for Members

Every member of DMC RAC is going have their desired email address. All the mailboxes are secured and has customization options. Your email addresses will look like this:

A simple guide for using your email address more efficiently. Please read it thoroughly and try to implement it for better experience.

Web Client (Fast, Easy to use)

To use our web Email Client you need to log in to

Type your email address and password and simply tap “SIGN IN“. If your credentials are correct, then you will be redirected to your inbox. If you notice the navigation, you will find Left vertical navigation, Compose , Reload , Filters , Account

Left vertical navigation: Here you will find inbox with other folders (Draft, Spam, Sent, Trash)

Compose: Type a New email to send someone

Reload: Refresh or re-fetch new incoming emails.

Filters: You search, find and filter from your mailbox.

Account: Here you will find you profile settings, contact book and logout features.

Note: You need to set up some crucial settings to enhance your security. Next we are going to discuss which settings are must to do immediately after the first login.

Change Your Password

Go to Settings and then check the left vertical navigation and find the last option “Passphrase
Tap on it and set your new password containing at least 8 characters (at least 1 upper case, 1 lowercase, 1 number and 1 special character for enhanced security) and confirm it. Hit “Set new password.

Update your Display Name

Go to Settings. In the General tab tap on the “Identity” field to edit it.
Set your Display Name. Hit “Save“.

Now try to send mail using your brand new email address. Also see if other emails arriving to your mailboxes. If everything positive, You are all set!

Credentials for other Clients

Now here is the credentials that you can use to use your Email Address in other mail clients including apps such as Gmail/Outlook.

  • Server:
  • Port: 993 (IMAP) and 465 (SMTP)
  • Security: SSL/TLS
  • Username: Your Email Address
  • Password: Your Chosen Password

How to setup mail in Gmail App

I am using an android phone to show you how you will configure DMC RAC Official Mail in your Gmail App. It’s a very simple process. So let’s go ahead.

NOTE: Complete the above steps before configuring Gmail / other client. You won’t have password change option there.

Open your Gmail App and find your profile picture on the upper right corner (It’s not Anatomy). Then you will find existing Gmail accounts. Below them you’ll find “Add another account“. Tap it and it will take you “Set up email” page. Select “Other” from here. Then type your new email address in next page and press “Next“. Then you will be asked a question “What type of account is this?“, select “Personal (IMAP)“. Now enter your chosen password and hit “Next“. Now review Incoming Server Settings. Make sure server is “” and hit “Next“. Now review Outgoing Server Settings. Make sure server is “” and hit “Next“. Now you’ll see account options page, select all here (recommended) and hit “Next“. Now set your name and hit “Next” Now you are all set. Wait 15 minutes and all of your previous mail will load.

I have attached some screenshots. This may help you.

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